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Artwork and Greeting Cards (Production Work)


Minted Artwork and Greeting Cards
(Production Work)


Custom Art Prints

Used Illustrator to create digital custom art including vector children's silhouettes, house portraits, maps, and wedding vows for framing and mounting

House Artwork

Child’s Silhouette

Map artwork


Wedding and Greeting Card Edits
(Production Work)

 Made custom design edits such as typography, alignment, color, and layout changes to existing templates for wedding invitations and holiday cards

Save the date card

wedding invitation

Wedding Menu

Birth announcement card

change our date card

Created different color and foil options for customer


Day of wedding sign —18”x20”

Flower artwork recolored to the customer’s requested color



House portrait, silhouette, map, pet portrait art are products developed by Minted. Wedding and greeting cards original templates designed by Independent Minted artists Lehan Veenker, Design Lotus, Kristie Kern, Lori Wemple, Phrosne Ras, & Chris Griffith. Names, dates, locations, and other personal information have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.